Sunday, December 12, 2010

hey~!!i saw you working

well it has been so long that i din't meet you....i kinda miss you do you know??well of cause you don't we already have decide to hang out with each other and also have chance to see you...but after at 1b and saw you work at parkson down stair,that time i kinda shy to face you but still got say "HI" to you...wao~!!!i'm so brave xD

at this few weeks,kinda less news of you
don't know where you been after finish work
i know you always hang out with friend at night
but plz becareful is kinda dangerous
what i have told you and you still won't listen me
but never mind.....i just hope you will be fine only :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

we have been less contact each other already

it has been so long that we din't find each other,maybe because i was always asking about that guy??i sorry if like that,i really wan to chat with you or text you but it seen that i start make you more unwell...isn't??:( haiz....i never put it down the feelings....i just.....don't wan.....i wan be back together just like before this will become true??i think you won't.....i know why you keep reject to back because even we were back just like before but we won't happy as before right??ya...i think you mean yes,i don't what you think that really that we be back together then we won't happy anymore??what reason??because you think that you have hurt me.....but what i wan to say is,i don't think if we back together and it won't happy as before...i don't think so but maybe that is what you guess......then it that mean you don't have considence to love me anymore??

i really wan go back the time when we together
it really happy when together but not same anymore
i feel empty without you....i feel hurt
i really miss you and i still love you.....always~
i really...........really..........really love you :'(