Sunday, December 12, 2010

hey~!!i saw you working

well it has been so long that i din't meet you....i kinda miss you do you know??well of cause you don't we already have decide to hang out with each other and also have chance to see you...but after at 1b and saw you work at parkson down stair,that time i kinda shy to face you but still got say "HI" to you...wao~!!!i'm so brave xD

at this few weeks,kinda less news of you
don't know where you been after finish work
i know you always hang out with friend at night
but plz becareful is kinda dangerous
what i have told you and you still won't listen me
but never mind.....i just hope you will be fine only :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

we have been less contact each other already

it has been so long that we din't find each other,maybe because i was always asking about that guy??i sorry if like that,i really wan to chat with you or text you but it seen that i start make you more unwell...isn't??:( haiz....i never put it down the feelings....i just.....don't wan.....i wan be back together just like before this will become true??i think you won't.....i know why you keep reject to back because even we were back just like before but we won't happy as before right??ya...i think you mean yes,i don't what you think that really that we be back together then we won't happy anymore??what reason??because you think that you have hurt me.....but what i wan to say is,i don't think if we back together and it won't happy as before...i don't think so but maybe that is what you guess......then it that mean you don't have considence to love me anymore??

i really wan go back the time when we together
it really happy when together but not same anymore
i feel empty without you....i feel hurt
i really miss you and i still love you.....always~
i really...........really..........really love you :'(

Saturday, November 27, 2010

i'm FUCKING fire up now!!!

though?!you think i though?!i can say i'm 100 % comfirm that is him!!!well~!!he din't answer any message but his information already explain it.....FUCK NOW!!!but......i can't say he is wrong although he nick his name(,cause i the one who is wrong....i don't have any chance to say him,i with you just a sister and brother.....just now at inbox say those things i should apologize to you,every people say me is stupid that i can't put it down but i don't care what they say to long i still love you....i already hopeless now,my dream never come true,never happy as before....just left a memories....whenever i think it,i will suddenly drop never know how deep i love you now

i sorry tiffany yee cheng chee
is myself useless
is myself overhead
is myself not suitable to you
i just don't wan put it down
i just know make you shameless only
i'm sorry that i can't forget you....i just don't wan :'(
i'm sorry

Sunday, November 21, 2010

tomorrow is your 1st day go to work

tomorrow is your 1st day go to work!!!
haiz~!!!kinda worry you :(
hope you at there will be fine,please take care yourself
i can't care you anymore....i don't have any chances to take care you
you are not kid already,you can live without my care

i don't have chance to hope anymore,i'm hopeless now.....
you never be my side again,you are belong to someone ealse

feel heart breaking!!!:'(

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

girls need take 15min or half of hour to complete their make up but how low boy need to complete their hair??:D

well all girls like beauty right??that why you girl like to make up and it take so long!!!actually not only you girls make up will take so long....well~me too xD..but i'm more longer then you say??well~you girls need add eyes brown or what la(don't know what name =.=),add contact lens and choose clothes to wear.....if not suitable then choose other clothes again.....well it took almost half of hour or 45min.......but for me.......i not same as you girl add eyes brown or what la,add contact lens or choose clothes......i don't wear those stupid things,i just wear very simple.....but i make my hair longer then your girls xD....wan't to know how long??well~i just make my hair and it took me 2hours to complete it!!!hahahahax!!!don't believe right??but is true

this is all my wax!!well actually not i have bought a new 1 gatsby and is green color!!xD and my mom have bring back 1 ossie wax and 1 spray cause she know that i like to make my hair so she bring it to home xD

 this is my hair clippers and my comp!!!the blue clipper is make my hair easly you guys call that??oh~!!!is jagung hair!!!hahah 1 is the pink clippers,it use for make hair straight.....well my hair always kerinting!!!i hate it!!!and that why i use this whenever i go school nor hang out

before hang out with friend nor go to school,i will go bath 1st and start make my hair....meanwhile making my hair...i also have listen song mp3,cause i don't wan bored myself  =.=....and also i have view someone profile...what for??well is nothing...i just feel like it.....after 2hours and my hair complete!!!well i don't know why today i feel like to SS mood xD!!!then let view my SS picture xP!!!hahaha
                                         at my dad car SS!!!hahahax xD
                                        same style~Sion is acting cool xD
                                   OMG!!!this shirt is not suiet me!!!next time i gonna
                                   use this shirt at home!!!have been SPOILE~!!
                                          hahahahahahx~!!!!xiao sion is acting cute!!!
                                          oh shit!!!is ugly!!!but nevermind~no1 will view it....
                                           only me view myself xD

                                                   my right side view

                                                 my left side view
                                                what happen to my mouth??xD
                                               why i look like not happy??
                                               actually this is my true face :)
                                                in peace mood
                                            lol~why my hair like durian??=S

well just like that for today only...i know not so many at all.....well~why i should SS so many huh?!!
all my friend tell me my hair just like japanese artis...well i was thought that too cause i aiming my hair to just like japanese artis when my hair is long :D....i have view my picture many time but my hair does't look like japanese artis.......erm~maybe need see my real person....erm....i mean my hair..hahahahahax xD

you have forget the pain already
you have forget the past
you have forget those our memories already
you have forget all of our things
and have forget me already
in your every memories i does't exit in your world :)

you have forget me already,at your mind i just a illusion in your memories
without you....i feel nothing,unhappy but you without me is good choices
cause you won't remember that make you unhappy....look at yourself~
you not are always the cute 1 when you smiles~
at this world,have many guys is waiting for you to be your furture husband
well me too but.....i don't feel that i need other just wan hide in
the darkness and crowed place....i need silent myself....i not rich anymore
i already lost are my every things but now....i feel empty..i'm all alone now

Monday, November 15, 2010

In This Quiet Nigh

In this quiet night
I'm waiting for you
Forgetting the past
And dreaming of you

Time passes by
And memories fade
But time can't erase
The love that we've made

And the stars in the sky
That I wish upon
Can't bring you back to my side
Though you're not here with me
I dream of the day we'll meet again

Hold me close, so deep in your heart
I will find you
No matter where I have to go
And dream of me
For I will be there
Follow the stars
That lead into the quiet night <3

damn~!!i still can't find your blog link :(

Saturday, November 13, 2010

i'm the person who very seriously in love

few of couples after break and they will hate their own ex girl friend/ex boyfriend because they been hurt or some of them wan to forget each other and so trying to find other target or might be they wan to take revenge so they started become play boy/girl......but some of them will keep their happy memories as a treasure....well i can that i'm that kind of person who serious in love,will do many foolish things for my beloved girl,sacrifice anythings for her,when she need me and i will be there and i will keep the things that we promise and i won't lie her.....i know what you thinking,you think that i just big talk only or think that a sweet talk etc....well i can tell you true that i'm not,i know i look like some kind of worthless boy,samseng and my attitude very lcly but i treats love very seriously....well you believe or not that your choice :)

time sure pass fast right??the time we start,the time we end....everything look so fast for me but day by day i feel so alone and unhappy,say the true....without you my life feel like kinda different completely different....without you my life less happiness,no caring,everyday moody,sad and no one love me....i have lost many things already...ya~i know what you wan to tell me....i still have friends and parent accompany me but those things to me is not enough,what i wan is i need you so badly i really really love you more then every moment.....all this days i feel so sad and hurt have tell me before that time can cure anythings diffinitely make me worst then before.....just only you think time can cure anythings but for me is not....our relationship have been 5 months already,i know is so long but for me at this 5 months i have been face many hard things you just don't know only.......before at this 5 months we have make a lot of promise and you have keep this many promise and din't break it but there is wan promise you have keep breaking.....what did you break??well you have break the promise that we should not lie each other but break it,i know you din't lie me every time but the time when you lie me....i have already know but i din't say it out cause i just don't wan you like last time feel so sad but the person should sad is me....i know it just a small lie but promise always be a promise,i have keep our promise as ever since we start couple but after we break i have broke 1 promise and that is smoke.....well this things not important for you already but....for me......promise always is a this 2 months we been less chat to each other already,cause you been find a guy accompany you already but for you me is what??well i don't know what you still remember the time you telling me there is a boy who in love with you and try to chase the time i fill so hatred and jealous....why??cause i don't think that guy is serious and suitable,at that time i really feel so angry and hurt my hands.....but my hand just bleeding only is pain at all but the most hurt is without you.....every single day i miss you more then yesterday but it less then tomorrow,my phone still got a lot of our picture and i always keep it...why??cause when the time i miss you,i will take out my phone and view your picture.....every time when you upload your picture at facebook....i will always click"like"i don't care the picture is ugly or what but for me you cuter then other girls and beuaty then other girls,as for me you are the 1 and only and for me those other girls are nothing....every day you out with friends,my heart feel so hurt cause i was too worry you....when you hang out with din't even think yourself own safety,you just care about enjoy and fun...i know is nothing wrong but....plz use your brain and think clearly why i so worry about you....cause you just girl,every things will might happen to you.....sometime when i boredom,i feel like wan to find you chat but...i don't have any dare to find you cause i scare i will annoy you....i know is fine to find you chat but i really scare that i will find you non stop and i don't wan you feel annoy so that why i less find you chat....did you know when you feel bad mood and unhappy and i was trying to make you feel better??i think you don't....every time i wan make you laugh and smiles it feel sop hard for me cause i just feel that i'm worthless and useless!!!you should know every things has changed is not same as before mood have been so bad as every days...this 5 months memories i will keep it forever and ever cause this memories is important to me....those happy and sad things i will treasure it.....i don't wan to forget this...i wan this memories remind that my first love...this is all about my feelings and is 100% are true,well i'm a lcly person as think but actually i'm the person who very seriously in love :)

if you blame yourself will make me blame myself
if u din't blame.....i will not feel guilty
what u blame it will be the same result how i blame myself
so don't blame yourself :)