Wednesday, November 17, 2010

girls need take 15min or half of hour to complete their make up but how low boy need to complete their hair??:D

well all girls like beauty right??that why you girl like to make up and it take so long!!!actually not only you girls make up will take so long....well~me too xD..but i'm more longer then you say??well~you girls need add eyes brown or what la(don't know what name =.=),add contact lens and choose clothes to wear.....if not suitable then choose other clothes again.....well it took almost half of hour or 45min.......but for me.......i not same as you girl add eyes brown or what la,add contact lens or choose clothes......i don't wear those stupid things,i just wear very simple.....but i make my hair longer then your girls xD....wan't to know how long??well~i just make my hair and it took me 2hours to complete it!!!hahahahax!!!don't believe right??but is true

this is all my wax!!well actually not i have bought a new 1 gatsby and is green color!!xD and my mom have bring back 1 ossie wax and 1 spray cause she know that i like to make my hair so she bring it to home xD

 this is my hair clippers and my comp!!!the blue clipper is make my hair easly you guys call that??oh~!!!is jagung hair!!!hahah 1 is the pink clippers,it use for make hair straight.....well my hair always kerinting!!!i hate it!!!and that why i use this whenever i go school nor hang out

before hang out with friend nor go to school,i will go bath 1st and start make my hair....meanwhile making my hair...i also have listen song mp3,cause i don't wan bored myself  =.=....and also i have view someone profile...what for??well is nothing...i just feel like it.....after 2hours and my hair complete!!!well i don't know why today i feel like to SS mood xD!!!then let view my SS picture xP!!!hahaha
                                         at my dad car SS!!!hahahax xD
                                        same style~Sion is acting cool xD
                                   OMG!!!this shirt is not suiet me!!!next time i gonna
                                   use this shirt at home!!!have been SPOILE~!!
                                          hahahahahahx~!!!!xiao sion is acting cute!!!
                                          oh shit!!!is ugly!!!but nevermind~no1 will view it....
                                           only me view myself xD

                                                   my right side view

                                                 my left side view
                                                what happen to my mouth??xD
                                               why i look like not happy??
                                               actually this is my true face :)
                                                in peace mood
                                            lol~why my hair like durian??=S

well just like that for today only...i know not so many at all.....well~why i should SS so many huh?!!
all my friend tell me my hair just like japanese artis...well i was thought that too cause i aiming my hair to just like japanese artis when my hair is long :D....i have view my picture many time but my hair does't look like japanese artis.......erm~maybe need see my real person....erm....i mean my hair..hahahahahax xD

you have forget the pain already
you have forget the past
you have forget those our memories already
you have forget all of our things
and have forget me already
in your every memories i does't exit in your world :)

you have forget me already,at your mind i just a illusion in your memories
without you....i feel nothing,unhappy but you without me is good choices
cause you won't remember that make you unhappy....look at yourself~
you not are always the cute 1 when you smiles~
at this world,have many guys is waiting for you to be your furture husband
well me too but.....i don't feel that i need other just wan hide in
the darkness and crowed place....i need silent myself....i not rich anymore
i already lost are my every things but now....i feel empty..i'm all alone now

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