Tuesday, November 9, 2010

SION is back!!

it has been so long that i less online facebook and other it because my stupid computer suddenly have virus but now....thank to my daddy but new 1 laptop for me hahahahx~!!!i don't know why he suddenly buy many new things and change many thing O_o.....maybe"fa shui"  hahax xD.....btw~i have find a work for spend my holidays but this work really "xin ku" and tired.....after buy new laptop every things need to install and setup......it took me many hours to finish it but.....i still not satisfied....cause your blog that i have save in computer has gone.....haiz~i don't know how you feel right now...hope you are happy now :))

just now saw you take a picture with the teddy bear that i buy for you
i glad that you like it hahaha x)

A.L.Y <3

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