Thursday, September 23, 2010

did we still have chance??

haizzzz....ngam ngam chat with my mei....i was trying to an wei her but i think she still unhappy...before she sleep i was trying to ask her can we back together again but....i think she wont accept me cause maybe she really don have any feel about me anymore...i was so scare to ask her but i think is not the right time to ask her or i should say i don have chance to chase her back again...i really so sad that her parent keep scold her...but i don think i can help her except just an wei her only...i really so wan to make her happy and try to hug her to let her feel better...but i was totally forgot that i don have chance to do that...i still loving her and still care about her maybe she don know but if that time she haven't sleep...if i can ask her.....

can we back together again??
can we start over again??
would she answer me "yes" or "no"
for me i think is "no"
should i forget her or not??
but i just know i still love her.....haizz :(

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