Wednesday, September 29, 2010

my last DMC4 gameplay video

to my youtube friends and some of my fans :D

it has been so long i play DMC(devil may cry)series since when i 10 years old,but i think i should stop playing or you can say i am quieting....the below video is my last gameplay of dmc4,i hope my youtube friends will enjoy it...this game give me so many memories but i sorry i think i can't play it anymore,why??cause i need prepare my PMR,although after PMR i still won't play it again....there something make me curios about it and feel unwell.

p.s:for dazzy,
i sorry mate,i think i must cancel your DMC4 project video...but i must thank you too,cause you the 1 share my video to other youtube friends and me make popular(bangga :P)...well not so popular though,but still thank are the best mate that i 1st meet,you always kind to me..,i sorry i don't have dare to tell you directly but i hope you can use my some part of my gameplay to continue your video project...but i think my DMC life end here and then i will become"the legend of DMC pro player"haha :D

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