Friday, October 8, 2010

don't think to die!!

i really don't like you say die this words,is really hurting me....i know you won't do anythings but before you promise that you wont think die these things....i don care promise always will be promise!!plz don't even think about it....i still loving you,i really don't  wan you die just because your parent and me...tell me what make you suffer in pain??plz tell me only,if you trying to die then i'm the 1 will go die 1st!!!ya...i common suicide!!!i don't care anythings,just don't wan you think to die....i really scare 1 day might be somethings will happen about you.....i really scare...i will beg god now!!!god i beg you,plz don't let her die easily and don't let her think about die....if really wan her die then...i will sacrifice myself,i sacrifice myself to end her pain....

are you really wan forget me??
i really love you,there is no zhi ke that i don't love you
and there no zhi ke these thing at love
won't you try to think get back together??
don't say that you will hurt me 
do you think i' not hurting now??
won't you think about it??
i hoping now that we can get back to love each other :'(

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