Wednesday, October 13, 2010

just trust each other love

last nigh i with my brother yung yung(not my real brother) go kuala meggatar there yamcha,but there is something bad about my brother'sister,his sister was argue with his boyfriend and in front of us....suddenly her boyfriend say he wan break with her,the reason is because he can't stand her anger anymore....though they couple 1 year and 7 month....well,1 year and 7 month!!!is not a day really a long relationship but her boyfriend can't stand anymore,my brother'sister try wan to back together but her boyfriend reject her....his sister cry already 8 hours and while in the 8 hours we try to an wei her but we failed...but at the end her boyfriend give her last chance again and he wan she promise that don't do the same mistake again....well what you know guys,love always have a good ending if you just trust each other :)

but is really true that love have good ending??
well for me is,love sometime will have a bad ending too

i should stop hoping again
i already know that we won't be together again
even though how much i love you and trust you so much
but as for you,you already giving up me and don't trust me anymore
i don't know what i should say
and i also don't know that i can give up or not
why??why i can't get love forever huh??

i think i know what reason already
because that i ugly
because that i useless
because that i feel so easy to hurt
because that i so annoying
because that i hopeless
or it because that i really don't have the chance to get a forever love

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