Saturday, October 30, 2010

how should i not worry about you?? say you can take care yourself and don't wan me worry you but all you did is make me very worry about you.....every time you out,i will worry that you might meet some kind of trouble but what can i do??i can't do anythings just today you with friends went pub and the guy keep near feel like wan"chiu  ni shui''.....but lucky you have male friends to help if not.....i don't know what will happen to you know that kind of place you guys are not allow?!i know you just go inside and see,but you might be don't know what happen if you went inside....well you might be raped or somethings...that kind of place is dangerous!!is not a playground and don't random to go inside!!!i know what you thinking,you think that i worry you too much already and ya~i don't have the"zhi ke"to say you don't even know how many bad things come from pub plus you are a should know most dangerous is you girls,this world have may cruel things will happen to you girls

so...tell me how come i should not worry about you?? =((                          

                                                                                         don't know why all day so bad mood and depress
                                                                                          i kinda so miss you,i feel heart pain really pain ='(

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