Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i don't think is the reason

hey,if there something you wan to ask me??plz just ask it,i wont refuse anything your question...it is about our relationship or you wan me forget you or stop loving you??i can answer you that i refuse to forget you and love you...why??you should know the answer....well ya,i still hoping now that we can back together but i won't ask you again and won't ask you how you feel about me,cause i know if i keep asking you i will just annoy you and scare can't be friend again....i don't think that your reason to reject back together again,i know there is something you still hiding....i don't wan you misunderstand that i say you find"alasan"to reject back together,that not what i mean....i was curios,why you still loving me but can't back together again??i know one reason only,the first reason is about your parent don't agree you couple but the second reason is not a reason,i hope you know what i means.....but plz remember if anythings you ask or wan me to do...i will accept anythings except to forget you and stop loving you......i sorry i can't do that

say what you need to say
plz don't hide it

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