Saturday, October 23, 2010

i disappoint you

can i stop blaming myself??well i can't answer it,but do you know why i blame myself??well you don't know,i not blame myself because of last time....ya,that not my fault and you either...i blame myself i not suitable for you,i blame myself i disappoint you....i know why before you don't believe my single words,cause think is a lie right??well i can't that you don't trust me cause you might think all the i still don't trust you......last night your sister(janice ng) post something on her wall,when i saw it....i just recognize that she was saying me,when i saw it....i feel myself worse and i know that is my fault all the time......because of this promise you think is a lie,ya...i know..."promises is worse than a lie cause you just don't believe it" this words already write out your meanings....."hope for something you can't get" when i saw this words,i feel myself is hopeless.....i was hoping that we can back together but i know is impossible for you to come back to me......i think she wan me to forget you,cause it just hurt me.....well i can say she is wrong,cause i know some days what i hoping for and i will get it....i won't give up hope,i don't care anythings i rather feel hurt but i don't wan forget!!!!not matter what happen i still love you,this is never change


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