Friday, October 1, 2010

you just feel interested to me is not real love me

PMR is really near by now and i just have 5 days time only but at this few week i din't study...even thought PMR is near by but i just feel too steady this few days i have trying figure it out what reason that you will break with me,i know there must be have a other reason....i won't believe that you will suddenly feel yourself don't have confidence and so easy wan to forget friend tell me that they know what reason you will break with me,they tell me that you have someone that you love already but not me...that why you will tell me to trying forget our 5 months memories...when they tell me this but i don't believe it,they keep telling me this is the true and i keep stop listening them....cause i know you wont treat me like that and i believe you that you have truly love me might be just feel interested to me only but not a serious love me,maybe that why you feel don't have confidence...maybe you just feel interested on me and suddenly just feel tired on this the your other reason or you have other that you love,truly love a person are wont feel like that even feel so hurt and xin ku but still will love each other...but this is just what i think only,i still feel curios about it...i really so wan to know what your other reason or i just think too much??well you the only 1 who know the reason....

i think i just a toy for you
i think you just feel interested on me
but...are you really din't love me before??
am i do something that make you feel hurt??
i still curios about it and feel unwell
cause i still loving you

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