Monday, October 4, 2010

PMR Day 1

today exam BM!!!OMG!!!so sibeh hard ah!!!haiz....i already try my best to write my karangan....i hope i can pass it >~<....well,tomorrow exam BI,is easy for a water XD haha....but still need study,i determine to get A!!!

i finally know your reason,i happy that you still loving me....i really hope your parent agree us continue our relationship but i think they won't....last night i have think a great idea that won't let your parent know,if you delete my msg after you read,like that they won't find out and i rather couple with you but i won't ask you out anymore,like that they won't find out too but.....last night you tell me that you give up me already,when i saw this i feel really sad but i more sad that you at 5 month still don't believe me that i trust you so still don't know my feeling but never mind i won't blame you,cause i still love you and always believe you although you don't trust me anymore :)

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