Thursday, October 7, 2010

he better then me,you should choose him

i saw you guys chatting happy and very funny,ya...i feel jealous,but what i can do??continue feel this feeling and ya,is what??still need continue feel this feeling also....there is nothing i can do,just watch you guys chat....that guy remind me,remind me that i always jokes you....well no need remind this anymore cause it doesn't matter anymore except just for sad memories....1 day,you guys will fall in each other just like how we was begin....don't worry,i support you guys always will be xin fu and don't worry me,you have he beside you....i not in your mind anymore,i'm just your let me know something,that is"have 1st chance and 2nd chance but there is not 3rd chance anymore"....i have try to love you many time but...i failed to love you,maybe he is better then is way perfect then me,i sure that time your parent will agree you guys couple.....

i love you but i can't get your heart
i not the guy in your mind
and not a guy suite to love you
there is a guy waiting you
bless you guys feel happy as always :)

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